
Sometimes, I wish my mom had married a more manly man, so there would be somebody else to mow the lawn, and since fall will be coming, I guess to rake the leaves too.


Benjo-sama said...

bill is a manly man, he's shorter than the ogre. why doesn't joey do it? being gay does not relieve you from chores.

katie said...

Bill is most certainly NOT a manly man. Whenever my mother makes a note of something needing to be done outside he is the first to say,"I'm not doing it". And my mom doesn't think Joey is old enough to push a mower.

christa said...

Oh, it's not that Joey is too young to push a mower, it's that he's so skinny he'd probably be sucked up underneath the thing the second its blade starts turning. Also, I doubt he has the strength to push something weiging twice as much as the kid.

katie said...

You do have a point. Joey is a pansy.

Ben said...

if bill has the balls to tell his wife he won't do something, joey should follow his example and man-up