
It's strange, the effect time has on relationships...especially the ones that mean the most. In most everything we do, we settle for second best.


Brian said...

I just do whatever, in the end it turns out right. Always.

katie said...

You must have great karma then.

christa said...

I don't think there is an ideal partner or relationship for someone; we settle on the best we can find at the time, even if it means still pining over another relationship that crashed and burned (or hasn't yet had the chance to crash and burn). However, the belief that "the grass is always greener on the other side" is probably false, as once up close, you can see that the "better" mountain is just as flawed as the other.

But is it really better to go on wanting, rather than to find out for yourself? I think not. Curiosity wins.

katie said...

But when that happens with people who are supposed to be your best, and oldest friends, it is hard to be content with it.

christa said...

Fo' sho'.